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Command Line Interface#

We will refer to this mode as CL. Using this mode is difficult compared to IM. The first is to get help, so type:

/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --help

It will print all information about how to configure Janssen Server using CLI mode:

usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--client-id CLIENT_ID]
                     [--client_secret CLIENT_SECRET] [--plugins PLUGINS] [-debug]
                     [--debug-log-file DEBUG_LOG_FILE]
                     [--operation-id OPERATION_ID] [--url-suffix URL_SUFFIX]
                     [--info {Attribute,CacheConfiguration,CacheConfigurationInMemory,CacheConfigurationMemcached,CacheConfigurationNativePersistence,CacheConfigurationRedis,ConfigurationFido2,ConfigurationJWKJSONWebKeyJWK,ConfigurationLogging,ConfigurationProperties,ConfigurationSMTP,CustomScripts,DatabaseCouchbaseConfiguration,DatabaseLDAPConfiguration,DefaultAuthenticationMethod,OAuthOpenIDConnectClients,OAuthScopes,OAuthUMAResources}]
                     [--op-mode {get,post,put,patch,delete}]
                     [--endpoint-args ENDPOINT_ARGS] [--schema SCHEMA]
                     [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [-j J]
                     [--cert-file CERT_FILE] [--key-file KEY_FILE] [-noverify]
                     [--patch-add PATCH_ADD] [--patch-replace PATCH_REPLACE]
                     [--patch-remove PATCH_REMOVE] [--data DATA]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --host HOST           Hostname of server
  --client-id CLIENT_ID
                        Jans Config Api Client ID
  --client_secret CLIENT_SECRET
                        Jans Config Api Client ID secret
  --plugins PLUGINS     Available plugins separated by comma
  -debug                Run in debug mode
  --debug-log-file DEBUG_LOG_FILE
                        Log file name when run in debug mode
  --operation-id OPERATION_ID
                        Operation ID to be done
  --url-suffix URL_SUFFIX
                        Argument to be added api endpoint url. For example
  --info {Attribute,CacheConfiguration,CacheConfigurationInMemory,CacheConfigurationMemcached,CacheConfigurationNativePersistence,CacheConfigurationRedis,ConfigurationFido2,ConfigurationJWKJSONWebKeyJWK,ConfigurationLogging,ConfigurationProperties,ConfigurationSMTP,CustomScripts,DatabaseCouchbaseConfiguration,DatabaseLDAPConfiguration,DefaultAuthenticationMethod,OAuthOpenIDConnectClients,OAuthScopes,OAuthUMAResources}
                        Help for operation
  --op-mode {get,post,put,patch,delete}
                        Operation mode to be done
  --endpoint-args ENDPOINT_ARGS
                        Arguments to pass endpoint separated by comma. For
                        example limit:5,status:INACTIVE
  --schema SCHEMA       Get sample json schema
  --username USERNAME   Auth username
  --password PASSWORD   Auth password
  -j J                  Auth password file
  --cert-file CERT_FILE
                        Path to SSL Certificate file
  --key-file KEY_FILE   Path to SSL Key file
  -noverify             Ignore verifying the SSL certificate
  --patch-add PATCH_ADD
                        Colon delimited key:value pair for add patch
                        operation. For example loggingLevel:DEBUG
  --patch-replace PATCH_REPLACE
                        Colon delimited key:value pair for replace patch
                        operation. For example loggingLevel:DEBUG
  --patch-remove PATCH_REMOVE
                        Key for remove patch operation. For example
  --data DATA           Path to json data file
We start with getting information about tasks, tasks are options of argument --info:

Attribute, CacheConfiguration, CacheConfigurationInMemory, CacheConfigurationMemcached, CacheConfigurationNativePersistence, CacheConfigurationRedis, ConfigurationFido2, ConfigurationJWKJSONWebKeyJWK, ConfigurationLogging, ConfigurationProperties, ConfigurationSMTP, CustomScripts, DatabaseCouchbaseConfiguration, DatabaseLDAPConfiguration, DefaultAuthenticationMethod, OAuthOpenIDConnectClients, OAuthOpenIDConnectSectorIdentifiers, OAuthScopes, OAuthUMAResources

To get information for a specific task we run command as below:

/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --info [task]
for example:
/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --info DefaultAuthenticationMethod

It returns with some operation id:

Operation ID: get-acrs
  Description: Gets default authentication method.
Operation ID: put-acrs
  Description: Updates default authentication method.
  Schema: /components/schemas/AuthenticationMethod

To get sample shema type /opt/jans/jans-cli/ --schema <schma>, for example /opt/jans/jans-cli/ --schema /components/schemas/AuthenticationMethod
To perform any operation, you have to run command line with the operation id. for example:

/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --operation-id get-acrs
It returns:

Getting access token for scope
  "defaultAcr": "simple_password_auth"

This is how we can execute single line command to get information about the Janssen Server.

Basic command-line switches#

  1. -h or --help to get all the formations of command line argument (ex; /opt/jans/jans-cli/ -h)
  2. --info to get formations about some operations id for a specific task (ex; opt/jans/jans-cli/ --info User)
  3. --operation-id usage to operate each of the sub-task
  4. --endpoint-args advanced usage for operation-id
  5. --data usage to share data in operations

Patch Request (schema)#

This schema file can be found in /components/schemas/PatchRequest for those which one support this operation.

When you examine this sample schema, you will see three properties in an object: op, path, and value.

  • op: operation to be done, one of add, remove, replace, move, copy, test
  • path: Path of the property to be changed. use path separator / for config or . for SCIM to change a property inside an object.
  • value: New value to be assigned for each property defined in path

Multiple Patch Request (schema)#

When we need to perform multiple patch operations on any configuration endpoint, Instead of doing one by one, we can create a json file including all individual operation into an array. To clarify, please see below json file:

        "op": "operation-name",
        "path": "configuration-path",
        "value": "Value"
        "op": "operation-name",
        "path": "configuration-path",
        "value": "value"
        "op": "operation-name",
        "path": "configuration-path",
        "value": "value"
        "op": "operation-name",
        "path": "configuration-path",
        "value": "value"

This file contains multiple individual patch operation. In Patch Request (schema) we explained about each of these keys in the above json file.

After creating the json file, just run the patch operation command.

/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --operation-id [patch operation id name] --data [json file absolute url]

Quick Patch Operations#

There is another patch request feature. It is a single line patch-request command line. It supports three types of operations:

  • patch-replace: to replace value with new one.
  • patch-add: it will add value into the key path.
  • patch-remove: to remove value from any key path.

The command line looks like below:

/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --operation-id [patch-operation-id] --[patch-operation-name] key:value

for example:

/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --operation-id patch-config-cache --patch-replace memcachedConfiguration/bufferSize:32788

In this command line: - patch-config-cache is a operation-id from Cache Configurations task. - patch-replace type of operation; used to replace values in - memcachedConfiguration/bufferSize:32788 is a key:value pair

CLI Authorization#

To run operations on Janssen Server, CLI client will need to be authenticated and authorized by the server. Since CLI has limited input capabilities, it uses Device Authorization Grant flow to get required permissions in form of an access token. After successfully receiving the token, CLI can run operations on the Janssen server while the token is valid. The steps below will summarize this process.

  1. Execution of CLI command will return the following message if a valid token is not found.
    Access token was not found.
    Please visit verification url <Janssen-server-device-code-url> and enter user code CGFZ-RTZR in 1800 seconds
    Please press <<Enter>> when ready
  2. Take <Janssen-server-device-code-url> from the message above and use any browser to access it from a different device
  3. User will be presented with a page where the user has to authenticate using id and password
  4. After successful user authentication, the next screen allows the user to enter the user code. Use the user code presented on command-line instruction in step 1 above.
  5. After successful code validation, the user is presented with OAuth permissions screen. This screen would list all the permissions requested by Jans CLI. The user can choose to Allow or Not Allow granting of these permissions.
  6. After allowing the grant of requested permissions, the user should come back to the command-line interface and hit <> as instructed. This will enable CLI to run operations on the corresponding Janssen server.